fun game! Have played it many times over the years, there's always something that lures me back there. The loop is successfully satisfying, altho it's admittedly kinda shallow. I wish you had more interactivity with the games you make.
Overall doe, It's pretty enjoyable for what it offers

a better dinosaur game than ark survival evolved

very good game!!! But it is obviously quite flawed in many aspects. The art style is a little bland (the graphics themselves look really good doe!) and the bosses rely to much on extra enemies for them to be actually difficult or interesting (There are a few times where it does work doe like on the final boss).On their own, there a couple of genuinely great bosses and even one that is particularly exceptional, BUT there's also quite a few that aren't very interesting.

The highlight of the game is the combat which feels gratifying and tight. It also makes me feel actually a little tense, I am genuinely wary of the enemies. All the guns that I used in the game felt like they had impact and were satisfying to use.

The story was ok, your standard affair in those types of games. I can't comment on the lore that well, but even then I don't believe it would've made the narrative that much better

The randomly generated levels are very samey, but do look decent.

Overall, the game is flawed but not bad at all, It's quite enjoyable at that. It just needs more refinement. I hope they do that on the sequel that I think is coming soon!