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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 22, 2018

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I never really got around to this DLC and I was not missing out on anything. The DLC is about 1 hour long and you play as a Replica soldier who gets called to Paxton Fettel (I’m not sure if it’s a prison cell or just his soul in the epicenter of the nuclear blast from the first game) and have to blow through your own kind to get to him.

The game mainly consists of the large firefights that are actually quite tough (I died a few times here) with tons of enemies, mechs, and even a turret sequence thrown in. The game starts you out in a mech and you go from there. It’s a short rollercoaster of every element created for F.E.A.R. 2 and it’s fun while it lasts, but a disappointing DLC as it adds nothing new to the game, even playing as a Replica doesn’t change the gameplay one bit.

As it stands, play this just for the heck of it because you own it, but otherwise you can pass if you missed out all these years.