Fallout 3 is just one amazing experience and one of the best games I’ve ever played and one of my top ten for this generation. I’m not going to write a review for Fallout 3. This review is really for Fallout 3 fans who paid the $10 for this addon and for those who are thinking about it.

Operation Anchorage is the liberation of Anchorage, Alaska from the communist Chinese. You’ll be helping out the Brotherhood Outcasts and will have to travel a great distance from the downtown metro area to get there. Once you help some Outcasts fight off some Super Mutants and help escort them to their base you enter a computer simulation of this liberation. This is where Fallout 3 goes weird and doesn’t really feel like Fallout anymore. Everything is covered in snow, first off, and second, it turns Fallout 3 into a linear FPS. You still have everything like your Pip-Boy and your RPG bits in tack, but there’s no looting or anything like that. You have health and ammo dispensers spread throughout and you’re only allowed the weapons the simulation wants you to have.

You have to help these people infiltrate the Chinese base in the mountains and disable three AA guns. After this, you have to take out a listening post, a tank depot, and then a pulse field to finally get into the headquarters. The DLC feels very derivative with only two new enemies and one or two new weapons. The only new weapons I saw were the awesome Gauss Rifle which uses Micro Fusion Cells (yeah you actually use those now!) and is a one-shot super sniper rifle. The other was a Chinese Officer’s Sword, but I think that might be old. You can get troops that can help you battle things out, but this was a weird turn of events for Fallout 3.

On the plus side though you have realized this is a simulation and it helps ease the pain for people wanting to wander the Capital Wasteland. The whole purpose of this DLC is to unlock some pretty sweet loot (I won’t spoil it!) in a vault that can’t be accessed unless the simulation is completed. You can complete this DLC in about 3-5 hours depending on your play style and isn’t worth the $10. I would honestly skip this one and go get The Pitt and Broken Steel. If you REALLY want more Fallout then pick up OA, but Bethesda’s first foray into DLC wasn’t a great one.

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2022
