I never really got into the Battlefield games (mainly because my computer couldn’t run them), but I’ve been intrigued by Bad Company since the first trailer was released. The game actually has an interesting story and isn’t your typical EA cash out. You play as the Bad Company who are army rejects trying to earn their respect back and in the meantime are trying to steal mercenary gold after becoming AWOL. While you follow the interesting, humorous, and wonderful loving characters you are thrown into a cinematic and epic experience that is truly breathtaking.

The game has amazing graphics, but what I found more amazing were the sound effects. Just the way everything echoes in buildings, the way chains clank and jingle, the way things explode, you can even hear distinct sounds for different terrain. The game just sports amazing sound that goes well with the visuals so you won’t be left dry in that department. The game is your typical FPS with infinite healing, real-world guns, lots of vehicles, and different types of terrain. Some weapons are a bit different from the mounted ones. You get AA guns, mounted rocket launchers and so forth and they are all fun to shoot. You can also use C4 to blow S up or use air strikes.

Speaking of blowing shit up the game has completely destructible environments, so if you hit a wall with a tank rocket well the wall comes off. This just adds to the realism and diversity of the whole game. The game is also paced very well so you’ll have sniper sections, run & gun sections, vehicle sections, then maybe a special section with a mounted gun or something. You’ll never get bored with the single player and the game also has collectibles for you to find. Mind you, these collectibles are really hard to find any kind of detract from the overall experience, but they are there for treasure hunters and completists.

Apart from the single player, the game has very addictive multiplayer, but there are downsides. There is only one game type and that’s Attackers and Defenders. Attackers have to destroy the defender’s crates of gold with C4 to win, or the defenders have to destroy the attackers base. The game has 24 players online so there is total mayhem with vehicles, mounted guns and so forth. The game has an addictive ranking system for killing people. When you respawn you can choose to either on base or next to an enemy soldier. There are many different classes to choose from and they are all super fun to play depending on your mood. I really recommend Bad Company to any FPS fan so what are you waiting for: Head for the Gold!

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2022
