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Dice created so high a standard in their own franchise, that practically, immediately doomed the rest of their future installments to fail…

Battlefield 1 was an immediate win from the very first trailer.

Coming out at a time where both WWII and Futuristic Combat games were starting to go stale, Battlefield 1 made the bold choice of going as back as humanly possible, to where they could still make a proper Battlefield game, and of course, they succeeded beautifully.

The look, the sounds, the immersion, the short but heartfelt campaign, the insane combat scenarios, the massive and destructible levels, everything was increased by a thousand, and absolutely rocked gamers hearts for as long as it lasted.

Ask anyone around, any real gamer…

They’ll all point back to 1, as one of the best Battlefield games that’s ever been released.

And that’s one hell of a mountain to climb…