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I played this game and the exact moment I needed to.
I was a dumb, elementary school kid, who loved dinosaurs and videogames, and wanted nothing more than to see glorious amounts of violence I wasn’t supposed to (because kids)

However… when I first beat this little gem, I was left with a feeling I had only felt with certain movies back then…

It connected me with the story, the characters, and the world they I habited, and for the first time, allowed me to play a story, much more than just a game.

I am aware the game isn’t perfect, some sections drag a little too much, some battles play horribly, some characters feel wasted and underutilized, but….just like any other B movie that grows into a cult classic, Dino Crisis 2 managed to connect with me in more ways than I was ready to handle.

This game woke up in me the love for RE-styled games.

Now, while I already liked them thanks to RE 3, I had never felt the need to be the best at them before…. To try speed runs, to unlock every secret and unlimited ammo….

And with this game, I did… oh god did I go crazy with it….

I think it stands unbeaten ‘till this day as one of my most replayed games ever…

First beat it like 5 or 6 times on PS1, then 2 on PC, 2 on emulators, and 3 on PS Vita.

And it was the first game to show me, just how good videogames were for telling a story, and it definitely changed my viewpoint on gaming as a whole.

This 10/10 is based on my personal experiences and pure nostalgia, I know.
But, to those interested in retro games and exploring the early days of gaming blockbusters, I would definitely recommend to try this one out…

It’s a shame we never got a continuation to that awesome cliffhanger ending…

I still desperately await the day Capcom realizes they can wake up this dormant giant once again, just like they once did with all their currently active and popular IP’s…

Come on Capcom…. We’re waiting….