Halo 2 2004

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This game was perhaps one of the most important releases in videogame history.

In all of my years of playing, I had never seen a game create this much hype.

I live in Mexico, and gaming had always been sort of an underground thing, even more than in the U.S, so very rarely did you see ads for games on magazines or let alone TV.
If anything all you saw prompted were the consoles, and that’s it.

But Halo 2 changed that…

Ads in every street, on every building, tv ads running left and right, promos on magazines, newspapers and posters on the streets.

This, I had seen many times with movies, but NEVER with a game.

The level of excitement and anticipation I believe was similar to anything Star Wars had experienced before and after….

Halo did that.

In only two games, Halo became comparable to Star Wars.

How was that even possible? I thought.

Then, a couple years later, I was able to play it with a good friend of mine, and I finally understood what everyone were so excited for…

Halo 2 is an experience…

The epic, immersive, and legendary campaign is a complete, narrative overhaul, now focusing on telling the player a proper, blockbuster story, from two sides of a violent war.

The characters are eternally praised as some of the best characters in Halo, from Sgt. Johnson, to Miranda Keyes, and of course, the introduction to the Inquisitor.

(The ending is everyone’s only complaint, as it is one of gaming’s most egregious cockteases ever conceived….. but even that, I like it)

And then of course… OF COURSE.

The innovation of every, single, multiplayer aspect of this game.

From the seamless integration with Xbox Live, a the innovative matchmaking system, and the extremely social lobbies that created countless friendships during its lifespan, Halo 2 ROCKED the Xbox live service and squeezed every last drop of it for as long as it could.

It was an experience.

Somehow even greater than the original, while at the same time, not destroying its legacy.

It was the James Cameron’s Aliens to its Ridley Scott’s Alien.
Or the Empire Strikes Back to its Star Wars A New Hope.
It was a once in a lifetime achievement for this franchise that would secure its place as one of history’s most important Videogame franchises.

And all of this… while still being full of heart, and fun to the core.

Simply magnificent.