An Engaging, If Uneven, Entry In The Ryu Ga Gotoku Franchise

With Kiryu having concluded his story (well until you get to a certain recent game) in Yakuza 6 but fans still wanting the same Ryu Ga Gotoku goodness, it was time for a new story to take the mantle. Enter Yagami, former lawyer turned detective, he becomes embroiled in a conspiracy that will bring past events back to haunt him.

While Judgment is its own game, its really hard to not compare it to the previous series and this shows that Judgment isn't quite the step forward one might hope.

For one, the energy is lacking, at least compared to the Yakuza series that followed before it. And the sub-stories, while still very good, aren't nearly on the level of past games with many outcomes feeling forced. The new mini-games aren't as fun and the combat isn't as thrilling, especially with an annoying mechanic introduced involving gangs and the level up being simplified.

That said, the graphics, once you get past this weird noir tint it seems to have, are excellent with character animations and facial responses no longer looking wooden (though there is still some derp here and there), the final chapter is really fantastic, with some awesome fight choreography, capping off a thrilling story. This is helped by a really engaging main cast and a cool, captivating antagonist. And while it may present more of a series face, there is still the odd goofy moments that you can't help but smile at.

At the end of the day, this is still a very good game and is still very much worth playing for those wanting more adventure from Kamurocho, the city that never sleeps while still providing trouble and eating the weak.

Rating: 8/10

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2024
