Medicore soul-crushing game that wastes the interesting concept

Forget this being a letdown as a showcase of next generation console gaming, this would have been merely good if it had been released years earlier. Even with hindsight that this game failed to live up to its lofty promises, one can't help but still feel drained and irratated that they wasted their time on this game.

It's not the worse sandbox game, but there something wrong with the sum of its parts that make for a broken whole; The hacking becomes tedious, the side quests and collectables become a chore to get, the game can't decide if it wants to be loose (driving is like ice skating while drunk) or too immersive (well done for making Poker boring Ubisoft!), forced stealth sections, action either being unfair or easily broken via explosives, Pierce being a schizophrenic hyporcrite...oh and nice job of ruining Clara. And this is just gameplay as technically the game is badly optimised and the graphics, while solid, start it feel drab and lifeless...These are just some of the issues that take away from the initial thrill of playing this game and make it settle into some forced self-punishment to finish the game.

Okay it's not all bad, despite the above. The driving missions of the game - once you get use to the wonky physics of the vehicles - are a lot of fun (mainly because the game gives you some leeway, Clara - until end game - along with Jordi, Iraq and Damien are likeable and using explosives to take out unsuspecting enemies is fun (if again, cheap thanks to the D.I.Y anywhere crafting).

But after completion, the game leaves nothing but a sour taste in your mouth and temptation to demand compensation from Ubisoft for 20+ hours wasted and on that I can't recommend it, even if it's on sale.

Rating: 3/10

Reviewed on Jul 11, 2023
