44 Reviews liked by BlazingArata

I played on the Twilight difficulty (hard) and it was a challenging game for me, but rarely did I feel frustrated at a situation or fight. I died a lot, but most of them were due to careless error. Checkpoints were generous so even deaths didn't lead to much loss of progress which would be my biggest issue with these type of games.

All boss fights are against other humans and many of their fights can get pretty intense. Some feel unfair at first, but it feels great to learn their attack patterns after a while and successfully parry stuff. In regards to the parry mechanic in general, it's not really needed against the mob enemies. Their health aren't very high in general so simple combos can quickly dispatch them. Boss fights on the other hand really emphasize the need to parry. Their attack chains are very long and deal heavy ki damage (stamina) even if you block them. Even a successful parry however doesn't necessary turn the situation around since they recover fast and can quickly continue another attack chain. Oftentimes, it takes multiple parries to deplete their ki and leave them exposed to a critical attack as opposed to the grunts which just need 1-2 parries.

My main issues with the combat is that too much of the actions are tied into ki. Blocking damage and dodging can quickly deplete the ki gauge which makes parrying more important than I'd liked. Fortunately, less of an issue for mobs. Camera can also be a pain to deal with. Being pinned against a wall or object will make the opponent invisible so you can't even see the attacks to properly respond.

I did enjoyed the open world stuff, but it has those types of maps where you’re not really exploring for hidden secrets. Nearly everything of importance are shown on the map. Even then, I just enjoy going through the scenery and seeing some parts of Japan’s locations recreated in the game. Kyoto in particular has a lot of pretty sights. Gliding around is fun as well. The maps aren’t too big and the collectibles never feel overwhelming either. This segment reminds me a lot of Ghost of Tsushima which had open world elements that I found relaxing to complete.

There's a ton of loot scattered throughout the game just like in Nioh. It was annoying at first, but I learned to just ignore them for the most part. I only upgraded my main weapons if I get a new legendary one. I only bothered checking the armor if I find myself dying multiple times to the same boss. Having an auto-sell function and being able to filter out specific rarities to sell is a nice QoL though.

What did surprise me though was that I found the story to be very intriguing. Taking place during the Bakumatsu period, the game did a good job reflecting a lot of the political issues and developments during this time. You can make key decisions at various points to change the timeline and create some what-if scenarios compared to actual history so that’s also interesting. You get perspectives on both sides of the two major factions and both have likable characters so it's not a clear cut answer of who is in the right.

Character missions are entertaining in general. I liked the story behind them and many of them could fit very well into the main story due to the content. While most of them are of the serious nature, there a few amusing ones as well.

One issue with the story though is that there’s a strange disconnect with what goes on in the main story and the side stories. Due to the game’s structure, you can shift alliance frequently and do missions on behalf of the “other” side which puts allies as enemies. They might say something about it afterward, but the characters still continue to act as allies of sorts. It's best to think that the player character is a Ronin that plays both sides and while characters might be frustrated with that, they'd understand.

Overall, had a really fun time. Finished the game at about 70ish hours and not going to bother with the post game Midnight difficulty stuff. I only did one mission for the trophy and while it wasn't incredibly difficult compared to Twilight, the boss had become a damage sponge annoyingly. More parries are required to deplete the ki gauge as well.

Amé este juego, es lo más parecido a Rurouni Kenshin que jugué en mi vida, jugas toda la época final del shogunato Tokugawa (el gaiden de Kenshin), hasta el cambio de régimen. Todos los personajes, organizaciones y clanes históricos aparecen con su personalidad y sus sidequest para hacer. Cumpli el sueño de niño de hacerme parte del Shinsengumi, entrené con Okita y con Saito, la parrie gatotsus( iguales a los que hace en Kenshin) a Saito, increíble, como un niño chico me sentí.
Respecto al sistema de pelea, es lo mejor que tiene, lo más pulido, es como jugar un Soul Calibur RPG por la variedad de armas, y las técnicas y estilos de cada arma, impresionante.
La música de combate es muy buena por momentos.
El mundo abierto está ok, las sidequest estan muy bien, y los enemigos también.
La customizacion del personaje es muy buena también y la cantidad de skins que tenés también.
El final es muy bueno, muy al estilo Rurouni Kenshin.
Lo único que le mejoraría es el modo online, para poder jugar en el mundo abierto con alguien más.

En fin juegazo y aguante Japón, lo mejor que vengo jugando en 2024.

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A Cursed Fairy Tale Disaster.

I will say this. I absolutely adored the Trails series especially Reverie and Sky Second Chapter.

I adored the deep lore, attention to detail and wordbuilding that they provided.
I loved most of the characters that each entry provides my favourites being Renne, Lowete, Crow, Fie, Estelle, Emma, Gaius (You Deserved Better) Randy, Wazy and many others.
The storytelling always fascinating to me, even if it doesn't always hit the mark. (Cold Steel Saga specially)

That said Cold Steel 4 is one of the most miserable, dragged out, unfocused and meandering JRPGs I've ever played.

Despite me ultimate hating this game, it had some redeeming that saved it from getting the lowest score.
Crow and Duvalie becoming Allies.
Music especially the battle themes.
True Ending Final Battle.
Ending Credits.
Fie, Duvalie, Altina, Emma, Randy, Renne and Ash character development.
Funny humor from time to time.
Most of Act 1 and 3 was soild barring some bad writing moments.
That's, unfortunately, it.

The Bad.
Gameplay is mostly a cake with some serious balancing issues.
CS4 tried to nerf some characters kit, mainly from new class 7, but the only thing that they did is just made New Class 7 severely underpowered especially after Act 1 (Aside from Musse who ends up becoming my premiere offensive arts user)
Lots of padded dialogue, mixed with repeated and stiff animation.
Lack of overall death and consequences seriously why is the Cold Steel Saga is too chicken to kill off it's characters?
Character development locked by forced Bonding Events and now it's at it's all time worse now.
WHY Falcom WHY!!!
While I'm glad to see Estelle, Joshua and other characters from the previous games again, they unfortunately have locked meandering kits and craft selections.
CS4 Rean portrayal.
I did like his character in the CS1-CS3 days, but he fell off a cliff once he fully lost control by the end of CS3.
Here's outside of forced muh sacrifice bull bullcrap horrifically bland and uninteresting, that lacked all the charisma that he had in the previous games.
Thank God for Reverie for fixing Rean I guess.
Bad writing, numerous plotholes and asspulls especially in Act 2.

Act 2 outside the final act doesn't need to exist whatsoever.
Worse than Cold Steel 2 Act 2.
The Cursed plotline.
Without question the worst written plotline I've seen in any video game.
Outrageously contrived and lazy
Alisha dumb family issues plotline.
She barely felt like a character, but more of a lazily driven and incoherent plot device that exists to create tension and drama.
She's just annoying background noise.
Juna, the brain rotting, reconning, hamfisted, loud, annoying cow.
My most hated JRPG character.
If it wasn't bad enough that you were a bootleg Estelle, now you to act you knew Rean struggles while shaming old Class 7.
Also after Act 1 she just becomes another member of Rean's Harem, rubbing her face at Rean's crouch, while struggling to stay relevant.
Fuck this character.
She and the cursed plotline ruined Cold Steel 4.

I seriously have no idea of what Falcom was thinking when making this game.
A game that despite having some fantastic moments is littered with serious issues that killed the experience for me.
Despite my disgust with Cold Steel 4 as a whole, I'm glad it exists as it allowed for Reverie and Kuro to rise as they seemed that the Falcom staff have learn their lesson from Cold Steel 4.
We all make mistakes and Falcom's Cold Steel 4 was their mistake that shall not be repeated again.

A Frustratingly Terrible Eyesore.

I had high hopes for FFXVI as I thought the series would become good again after the inconsistent previous offerings, but guess I was wrong.

Granted it had it's excellent moments manly from the Kaiju like battle, but ultimately the game was a boring exercise.

Braindead repetitive gameplay, that lacks any depth.
Lackluster and boring characters that barely have any substance to speak off.
The MC is a edgy empty husk.
Suffers from severe performance issues to a point where it overheats your PS5 console.
Barely felt like a game as there was too much cutscenes for this game of thrones wannabe narrative.

In conclusion FXVI is a ambitious game that failed to meet expectations and execute most of it's ideas.
Barely felt like a Final Fantasy game, but more like a generic hack and slash game that you find in 7th gen.
A failure of a JRPG, 9th Gen and a action game.

I pray that Final Fantasy 17 won't be like this.

100% everything (will do Challenge run later)

There is something undeniably fun about Ratchet and Clank games, and it is the amount of destruction and chaos you can achieve playing these games, it's simply unrivaled in my book.

The humour is still there, Clank's laugh is still there. Collectibles and the RYNO is here too.

Oh yeah, Rivet is a great character, definitely one of the best I've seen in a RAC game.

Also, in a time where PC ports have been getting the L lately, this port was surprisingly capable.

Man I wish Sony and Imsomniac would consider porting the other games to PC too.

Rivet/10 would RYNO∞ all over the place with infinite ammo

A game that drags for 3 chapters only to dump everything in the last 2 chapters, this game has severe pacing issues and strange priorities.

I kinda don't like the retcons too much, it borrows too much from previous entries (like Sky and Crossbell) for a severe lack of identity that kind of hurts many events in the past.

Setting that aside, I did enjoy my time spent for the most part.

Played on nightmare (Game was very easy, too much broken stuff lol) and aimed for the most completion (83% achievements on Gog)

A masterful sendoff and redemption arc for the Trails franchise.

As some that loves the Trails franchise, but loathed Cold Steel 4 with a passion, Reverie is a wonderful return of glory for the series, as well being the perfect send sendoff of the Crossbell and Cold Steel games.

C route in particular is hands down the best written thing to come out from this franchise since Sky SC.

True Reverie Corridor is just a blast.

Looking forward to Kuro games in the future.
Well done Falcom.

The definition of a decent game to a fault.
When it's good it's a one hell of a fun game, but when it's not so good it's very rough.

I recommend waiting for the game to go on a deep sale.

Well I can definitely say that it has aged like rotten milk.

As much I like Spongebob Squarepants growing up, this was such a terrible and janky attempt to bring the franchise to life for gaming.

Just play Battle Of The Bikini Bottom or the Movie Game instead and don't bother with this one.

Mediocrity like this are the reason why many gamers label the 7th generation of gaming the worst in terms of variety.
I like my fair share of FPS/TPS games, but the 7th generation is plagued with too many mediocre and Homerfront is one of the worst of it's kind.

4 hours long.
Subpar visuals
Uninspired lazily written story
Borderline nothing character.
Squeal bait ending that barely meant anything in a long run.

Just avoid this game at all cost, unless you want to experience how bad and lazy 7th gen shooters can be.

Pokemon Platinum saved Sinnoh as well Gen 4 as a whole.

It's crazy how outdated and slow Pokemon Diamond and Pearl has become over the years.
I love the Sinnoh Region, the majority of the new Pokemon introduced as the introduction of Wifi and the physical and special split, but that's about it.

Content and gameplay wise it has aged like milk.
It has the worst designed Pokedex selection in the series (Only two fire types and half of the new Pokemon are locked until post game)
The game engine is slow and delayed.
Story isn't as interesting and fun compared to Platinum.
Terrible level curves.
Poor pacing and game design in various points especially in the mid game.

Don't let nostalgia fully blind you.
In the end just play Pokemon Platinum instead.

A very boring and empty game that has aged like milk.
Good ideas, but poor execution.
I don't think I will bother with the squeals.

While not reaching the same emotional highs of Persona 3 FES, Persona 4 is still a exceptionally fantastic game that is made with fun and passion.
Sure certain elements may not aged well and Teddie while not as horrid as P5's Morgana was still annoying, Persona 4 excels in atmosphere, humor and character writing and chemistry
Gameplay is great, but can be repetitive at times.
Fantastic soundtrack.

Overall a fantastic game that made me, laugh, cry and smile.

The weakest Trails games in terms of writing and pacing.
It's a rough game to get through, but it isn't as horrid as many people say it is.
It has fantastic moments and great ideas which were nicely executed.
I just wish the second half was cut down in half by removing all the filler in Act 2.

Thank for high speed mode for the PS4 versions.