Quite possibly the most fun first person shooter ever created. Doom Eternal has an incredibly deep and engaging combat system. Naysayers complain that the ammo reserves are too shallow, and that you run out of stock too quickly, but this is all meticulously designed and curated in service of its combat loop. Weaving in and out of demons, swapping weapons, using your chainsaw to refill, blood punch and grenades to get health back, you enter a state of zen when you play this game, it all starts to click and you really feel unstoppable once you master what this game has to offer. The level design is even more engaging and fun than its 2016 predecessor, with more verticality and platforming, and more deviously hidden secrets to find.

The only criticism I have of this excellent title is that the story is kind of really weird? When the game starts it feels like a lot happened between 2016 and this game, and its really confusing. This game feels like the third entry in a trilogy, leaving you really lost as to what the hell is going on.

Definitely going to be seen as one of the defining titles of this decade when it's all said and done.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024
