"Your inventory has been lost. Oh, come on, you saw it coming!"

Yeah, repeating the formula doesn't excuse lack of subverting expectations or lack of innovation. Sadly it seems they didn't only copy the look and movement from Megaman. The villains are more generic this time compared to version 2 of the first game, released after this second title

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2023


7 months ago

BK2 had plenty of new stuff and the Series overall has an unique gameplay loop you wouldn't really get elsewhere

7 months ago

@Tamatou From the new title I liked needing to explore for the seven pieces of the minerals, it gives you an incentive to explore the world, and the design here is better than V1 of the first game, but what I don't enjoy is that the overall formula doesn't reinvent itself enough compared to the first game for me to rate it higher in my scale of games more closely related to art instead of a sport (that's why I prefer V2 of Battle Kid 1 due to the more fleshed out story).

But yes, the gameplay loop is very cool, that's why nonetheless they were enjoyable despite my low rating here in Backloggd

7 months ago

@Blowing_Wind Thats fair. I really enjoy this game because it is one of the few "rage games" that really make you be super cautious and strategic and not just brute force your way through because checkpoints are spammed everywhere.
I hope one day BK2 gets the same V2.0 treatment like the first. I wouldn't mind seeing more cutscenes and story bits to relax inbetween the difficult sections.

7 months ago

@Tamatou Heck yes, Timmy had a more personal motivation and connection to the villain in V1 which made it more interesting to see where it all lead to. V2 of BK2 could maybe delve deeper into why the two villains turned to terrorism (personal tragedies maybe) and what they set to achieve with destroying the city

By the way, I haven't played other rage games (I'm just curious of playing modern homebrews to see how they pull off modern game design philosphy into older hardware), but from what I saw of I Wanna Be the Guy, it seems to have a lot more personality and humor regarding how it trolls the player. Here in Battle Kid 1 & 2 it may be tighter made but the mechanics stop expressing themselves for something other than being fun. It's very hard to balance the artistic expression and the difficulty to appeal to the sporting side of gaming :/

7 months ago

I Wanna Be The Guy is a very fun and unique game in its on right and I love it very dearly. I think the current trend of "hard 2D Platformers" is the Super Meat Boy Formula. Fast paced rushing through stages while reacting to stuff on the fly. The fun of Battle Kid is taking it slow coming up with strategies for each room and optimizing a safe strat until you finally reach the next checkpoint. I love the intense feeling of finally clearing a room and praying for a checkpoint only to enter a room that looks even more devlish than the last.

Sivak recently said that he might do a switch port of BK2 in 2024 but im not sure if he wants to update the game aswell.