I've been playing this game from March 19th and I have to say I'm impressed technically for the way they managed to make a FPS RPG that feels so organic in the interaction with the environment and makes the characther extremely vulnerable in the way a "trashy heavy metal" B movie action game like Doom couldn't do, even if the environments feel repetitive because it's 10+ hours set in a claustrophobic space station.

But I don't like the way the story is only tied to practical clues in registers you find around to progress in gameplay that someone left before they died, it's not an active effort from the protagonist and other characthers to solve the mystery happening right now, like, say the signal infiltration of Bionic Commando; nor is it a gathering of interesting lore that describes the state the world was left in and the battles of will and ideologies of the people you never met, like, say, the pearls in Rain World, or even another game from this period I've played called Bioforge. It's just a bunch of people fighting a crazy computer with a god complex like your typical sci-fi story. Yes, SHODAN is intimidating but feels like just another common A.I. villain that wants to get rid of humanity. The most interesting characther I found in the records you encounter is Diego, who was a traitor to his other companions only to save his own skin, showing the anxiety of the situation everyone was put in.

However, I'm not saying I don't like the game, far from it, it's engaging for me gameplay wise (that's why it's a 7/10 in MyGameDB) but I don't think it stands very strong as a piece of art. The thing is... The game crashes on me when leaving the Alpha Grove so I will have to keep playing some other time after I solve the issue 🥴. Very interesting to play in my Android Device with the MagicDOSbox emulator, a physical keyboard for movement, and my configuration that makes the clicks feel like a tactile screen, this is how I feel the protagonist must be accessing the different buttons in his HUD 🤣

Edit 5/1/2023: The issue seems to come from a weird way the game resets the position of everything for some reason. Maybe it's the excessive respawning of enemies in the groves that crashed the game, I think my save file may be totally screwed.
Edit 5/2/2023: Mercifully downloaded a save game from earlier in the game and replayed what I had done in level 6, going for the Alpha Grove first for the game not to glitch out. Might continue sometime soon

Reviewed on May 01, 2023


1 year ago

Ah, pensamos lo mismo. Lo disfruté cómo juego (probablemente más que la secuela en ese sentido), pero la historia es decepcionante para lo buena que es la presentación y voice acting.

La primera vez que lo jugue no sabia que tenía que ir anotando los números que vas encontrando jajaja, tuve que hacer backtracking y yendo uno por uno, que no te pase como a mí.

1 year ago

@fancynancyy Si, ir recopilando pistas de esa manera es bastante penoso porque ya llega el momento en que los logs que te vas encontrando ya no se vuelven interesantes de escuchar. Pero es adictivo ir encontrando más mejoras y lootear cabinetes y enemigos muertos jajajsj