Was this game worth the wait? Absolutely.
Is this game the masterpiece many will claim it is? No.

Rebirth is much improved on Remake in so many areas, the combat is quite a bit better, the music is great as usual, visually even in the “performance” mode this game looks amazing besides some textures along the lines of “the door” from Remake.

And a HUGE but:
The story outside of what was in the original fucking STINKS. None of it makes sense in the slightest and I’m not sure even Max Dood is going to be able to make sense of this one. The only positive to this is that we got a Yakuza 5-tier final boss sequence at the end (in both gameplay and story).

I’m probably also just mad that Vincent is here for a decent chunk and is not even used how Red XIII was in Remake. For what it’s worth I did like what they did with Cid to make up for him not being playable.

Still, a great game that was fun and extremely good for the majority besides certain story sections, and I hope now we get a Vincent game in the vein of Intermission to tide us over til the next game.

There’s no way they don’t call that one Final Fantasy VII Reunion, right?

Reviewed on Mar 10, 2024

1 Comment

1 month ago

Can't wait for megatherealone to get to this one in 70 years