Remnant II 2023

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

July 24, 2023

First played

July 21, 2023

Platforms Played


Summary: Fantastic Co-Op game with outstanding boss design. The intended long-term gameplay loop falls flat for me but the first playthrough is extremely special and is worth the pricetag already.


Remnant 2 is a fantastic Co-Op experience. The Boss encounters are super creative and great across the board. The worlds are cool and atmospheric, the gunplay and sound design is solid. Pretty much everything is really great.

Bosses and Major Encounters in Remnant are very Destiny-esque in a way. They all have a central mechanic/gimmick to work around that makes them standout from the rest. Usually these gimmicks result in some fun planning with your group. These fights all having a fantastic high-energy pacing.

I've seen people complain about add swarms during fights, but I feel that these swarms (when used) are designed to keep the pace and intensity of a battle consistently tense. They also serve as supply restocks and a good way to force your team to coordinate. Very few bosses are just an enemy to shoot and dodge away from. Of the main world bosses, I really only found 1 to be lacking.

The game also rewards exploration really well. Lots of items to fill out your build can be discovered, allowing for a ton of variety in the long run. There are also a ton of well hidden (perhaps TOO well hidden tbh) secrets to be discovered.


The game is meant to be replayed a ton. Problem is- the actual replayability feels EXTREMELY lacking to me. The same maps, the same dungeons, the same bosses.. time and time again. There is very little to do that makes traversal/order of operations more exciting. Runs will also takes several hours which make replays more tedious than anything else.

The other issue with the replays is that there will be some side dungeons you won't get the first time. Naturally that should be GOOD for replayability right? Well if you are unlucky then you will end up getting the same side dungeons over and over with pretty much no fresh rewards for doing them again. So in a hunt for fresh new content on playthrough #2, #3, #4, etc. you will find yourself potentially disappointed.

Remnant 2 makes for an exceptional first playthrough, clocking in around 20 hours which is pretty rock solid. However, the hunt to experience all of its content is more tedious than it is enjoyable.

I highly recommend the game for the first playthrough alone, just know what you are getting into for replays. It seems that a lot of people find a lot to love in them, so maybe its just a me problem!