My god, this game is peak Sonic so far.

I gotta play more of this.

Who knew such a beautiful open world game would run beautifully on Nintendo Switch?

Extra points for having StarFox in the game.

I will forever hold the DS version of Sonic Colours close to me for the chiptune version of the soundtrack, the Sonic Rush elements throughout, and the special stages where you unlock all 7 Chaos Emeralds to become Super Sonic for the secret ending boss.

Better than the first in every way, with an English dub (finally), a barrage of Team Plus Ultras, more characters introduced in the latter half of season 3 and season 4 (with DLCs included), and another solid story mode.

The only downside to this is that some characters you're fighting against can be a bit of a nightmare. Looking at you Nejire and Gang Orca.

A solid anime fighter game with amazing translation from anime to video games, nice roster that adapts season 2 and the first half of season 3. If you're a fan, you'll like this.