The first spelunky was a very hard roguelike game which required lots of patience and learning. It's a surprisingly expansive game outside the 4 main levels and has lots the average player won't ever see, so it's a lot for a sequel to live up to. Spelunky 2 sees the achievements of its predecessor and cranks it up to a bazillion.

As someone who put hundreds of hours in the first game, this one blows it out of the water in terms of content. Even veteran spelunky players will find themselves completely clueless on the first few playthroughs. All the new content lets old and new players experience the process of learning all the ins and outs of the everything in the game, a core mechanic to spelunky.

And the new content? Tons. Like, WAY more than the first. Branching paths, new minibosses, items, enemies, worlds. Even the boss of the first game acts as spelunky 2's midboss. The game also offers multiple endings to a run, some taking the normal 4 worlds with some added levels in there, some taking WAY longer.

Spelunky 2 is a game that captures what made the first one so unique and adds so much more to it without ever taking away that initial spelunky charm. So much to experiment with , lots to learn, and tons of hours to lose yourself in. Easily my favourite roguelike I've played.

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2023
