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Time Played

1h 56m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 18, 2024

First played

April 17, 2024

Platforms Played


I was really curious about this game since I've only played the other SNES Power Rangers game (the one based on MMPR the Movie). Never beat that one, but I actually did manage to beat this game. As it turns out, there are some significant differences between this Power Rangers game and the movie game, but I'd say there's more similarities than differences overall. Not sure if that's really worth covering, though, so I'll just be reviewing this game based on its own merits. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is a beat-em-up with light platformer elements, and its quite a simple one. That's not to say the game won't give you any trouble, but it certainly isn't a super hard game by any means. The game is also very short; only took me nearly two hours to beat, and I could've took less time if I didn't get any game overs.

Gameplay's just alright overall. You can select between five different rangers: Jason, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, and Zach, who are the Red Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Black Ranger, respectively. I played all five characters, although I was a little disappointed to find that they don't really play differently from each other. The beat-em-up action in this game is unfortunately rather underwhelming to me, though that's not to say it isn't decently fun. You start every level in human form and, at a certain point in the level, you get a glimpse of the boss and a little transformation sequence turning you into your ranger form. You do have some options for attacking, including crouch attacks, aerial attacks, and grabs, but nothing beats the basic punch "combo" of spamming Y, and many enemies will take forever to die from anything that isn't that. Ranger form doesn't really change the gameplay much, but it does at least give an extra move different between each ranger that you can do by holding up after pressing Y (as well as an admittedly really cool screen-nuke from pressing X). This move is also never stronger than your Y-spam combo but it does tend to have some utility in fringe cases. Pink Ranger, for example, gets a bow move; it does pitiful damage and it doesn't hit ducking enemies, but you could still use it to get some distance from your foes. The game does have some cool little platforming elements like jumping over pits, wall-jumping, or hanging onto poles to either cross gaps or throw yourself up onto platforms. One level was particularly annoying for having water that rises and falls, since when you're in the water you can't attack anything, leaving you a sitting duck until the water goes down. The platforming elements are quite light overall, but they do spice the game up just a tad. There's also a small gameplay switch-up in the last two levels, where it pivots to an almost fighting game style (though very simplified) and has you play as the Megazord. You can build up meter to use a special move, move backwards to block, and you have to fight opponents that can actually block too. It took me a bit to understand these levels, but basically its like a diet fighting game with no real combos and no specific inputs to do special moves. You'll want to mix up your attacks to throw off the enemy's defenses, remember to block, and press X whenever that special gauge is full.

I'm skipping both the story section and the presentation here since, honestly, both are pretty much exactly what you'd expect out of a video game based on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Overall, this game is a bit on the short and easy side, and the gameplay just wasn't all that engaging to me. Middle of the road beat-em-up, I give it 3 stars.