I very much enjoyed my time with this game. Its easily one of my favorites in overall visuals thanks to its very charming cutscenes and the amazing graphics. I pretty much always had a grin on my face watching the characters interact between each other.

As for the actual gameplay, I feel Luigi's Mansion 3 didn't do much to reinvent the wheel that the other games had already used, but frankly this series has a very solid foundation so I really don't mind. I feel it takes the best parts of both games within the Luigi's Mansion series: the game's overall structure resembles the first game since you're only exploring one huge mansion (well its a hotel in this case) instead of several smaller mansions, but it comes with some features that the second game introduced such as the Dark Light. Sucking up ghosts feels more satisfying than ever thanks to Luigi's newfound ability of slamming ghosts onto the ground to weaken them. Its a fun new way to handle the dastardly spirits that still functions similarly to the previous games. Overall, the combat is fun and easy to understand, just as it is in the previous games. In my opinion, the addition of Gooigi is the biggest thing that Luigi's Mansion 3 introduced. He really changed how I look at the game's many puzzling situations and had me think outside the box, although sometimes it is rather obvious when you're supposed to use him. Personally I've always viewed the Luigi's Mansion series as puzzle games, they always give me many moments of being completely stumped to the point where I have to look up the answer online. However, I never felt the solutions to puzzles in Luigi's Mansion 3 were cheaply hidden or obtuse. Each time I had to look it up, I realized I was just looking at the situation in the wrong way.

Pretty much the only complaint I have about this game that I can think of off the top of my head is that some floors feel too short and others feel too long, it seems to be a bit inconsistent when it comes to that. But honestly it really doesn't matter much, I had such a good time with this game.

Reviewed on Jan 25, 2021
