For the past maybe two months I've been exposed to enough Fallout to kill a person, with the TV show coming out in tandem with my playthrough of New Vegas. So I was relieved to finish the game once I reached its climax. However, don't let that downplay how great this game is.

Fallout New Vegas is one of the best RPGs to come out. The game writing and story are second to none and the plethora of choices, side content and routes make each journey truly unique. As well as this the story makes you question what's best for the wasteland with each of the factions you can side with having both pros and cons. Fallout New Vegas has proven even through time that it still stands above many modern-day releases. However, with time Fallout has begun to show its age terribly. At the time of New Vegas's release, it was already pretty dated compared to other games coming and with the abundance of bugs, glitches and crashes that do still follow the game it makes an experience that would be fun, overly frustrating. Although some of these issues can be fixed with mods the real problem comes down to the engine, a problem that cannot be fixed unless we get a remake or remaster which as well would hopefully fix the clunky combat and movement. Lastly, I want to touch on New Vegas's DLCs. New Vegas has 4 main story DLCs all of which follow the trend of having spectacular writing, however, when playing these DLCs I found that there was a lack of content. Take for example Broken Heart. The game adds a new location, a few new side quests and a few new weapons. However, these additions are quite minuscule with the few weapons added being quite uninteresting and the lack of new enemies besides the yoa guai that's ported from Fallout 3 leaves much to be desired. Besides that the DLCs are great with my favourite being Old World Blues.
Overall Fallout New Vegas is a brilliant game that is sadly bogged down by an engine that even at the time was crirised. To say I enjoyed my time with Fallout New Vegas would be an understatement. I've put past 100 hours into this game and yet I know I still haven't scratched the surface of what this game offers.

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
