Played via Hitman Trilogy (on Xbox GamePass btw) on PC with KB+M controls.

Beat Hitman season 1 over the course of 24hrs, and if you know how I am with games, playing this much game, one that's new to me anyways, that quickly should say a lot. I'm more likely to only increase the rating as replays and challenge runs continue to entice me as I continue the trilogy. One of the best deals on GamePass rn, you're missing the DLC but other Hitman fans consistently tell me the DLC either sucks or is well below average anyways.

One of my only gripes with the games is that snapping an unconscious person's neck and trying to engage in a melee action with someone conscious share the same bind, so I've had a not insignificant amount of accidental kills on people who fell over just a bit too close to another person I needed to take out. I'm not doing it myself yet but I feel like I'm only a few more interactions away from binding some actions to my mouse buttons as well.

But damn, the sheer amount of ways a scenario can play out and the freeform-ness (or structured if you wish!) is phenomenal. The only majorly aggravating part to me was Colorado, mainly on the first run, because it's extremely specific about how you should handle things as a first-timer compared to the other levels. Replays were much better there but it's probably still the least replayable level in the base game.

Extremely looking forward to IO's take on 007 in the (hopefully) near future.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2023
