This is a neat, short side-scroller that, for some reason, has something resembling Gradius's power-up system in it. Not that bad an idea, honestly.
You're a dog, and you grab bones which you can use to get yourself more powerful weapons (a bomb and a screen-ranged bark attack), the ability to slow down your fall by tapping the A button not unlike the Bunny power-up in Mario Land 2, and an extend to your health bar (or a refill if you've already maxed it out).

Each stage is fairly straightforward; they all have you make it from one side to the other, though the game does occasionally throw in a gimmick every now and then - such as the water level in the Splish Splash set (the only time you do any actual splishing or splashing), the room with bouncy clouds, and the ice level with the standard slippy physics that you'd expect.
While you do have the option to go through the sets in any order, I don't think there's much of a reason to, since they're overall pretty similar to each other, anyway. And if you do happen to die at any point, there's usually more than enough bones around to give you a fighting chance.

The bosses are also simple, each following their own movement pattern (and sometimes their own projectile), as well as a second phase with a more erratic one. You might want to save up for a health refill on a couple, but for the most part, they're about as basic as the levels themselves.

I haven't watched the show, but I think the wackiest part about this game is the fact that the racers are the bad guys. They're just trying to get through by fair means, but you're coming in to try and steal their victory, to no avail.

Anyway, like I said, it's pretty nice. Not that impressive by the NES's standards, but I think it's worth a try, at least.

(Also? There's moai in it.)

Reviewed on Dec 13, 2022
