Current Location: Anor Londo

Current Boss: Ornstein and Smough

Honestly, as excited as I was to play the Souls game, I'm extremely underwhelmed so far with what the original Dark Souls has to offer. Coming from Bloodborne which is my favourite game of all time, I expected this be much more of a challenge but so far every boss has been forgettable (ignoring Sif, I love you Sif) and an absolute walk in the park. The bosses offer no actual challenge, the world either feels too empty or too jam packed and I'm just overwhelmed with how much and yet how little the game has to offer. I'm steamrolling through the game and yet I feel as if I'm making no progress whatsoever at the time. My hopes are so much higher for Dark Souls 3 as that's the game I genuinely want to play, the bosses look much more interesting and the gameplay from what I've tried so far is alot more challenging and engaging. Honestly only grinding through this so that I can play DS3 and fight Gael.

Reviewed on Jan 23, 2024
