So, the three star score may indicate that I think this game is average or mid, but that's actually not the case. Strange Journey is hands-down one of the greatest JRPGs ever made, with its amazing combat and level design, and its story to boot... However, what really bogs the game down for me, is the first-person dungeon crawling. FPDC never works, I have not played a single game where that style is remotely okay, and sadly here, it's the same outcome. Which is a shame because, like I said, the level designing in this game is outright great... I just wish we had good dungeon crawling gameplay. Oh well.

But, regardless of my opinions on the game's structure, it is still well worth your time, and who knows? Maybe you'll like the first person perspective; doesn't hurt to try, right?

Reviewed on Jul 18, 2023
