Amazing atmosphere and music. Some of the worst combat I've ever seen. Somehow, you're expected to postpone fun missing all of your attacks for 20 hours and to run at a snail's pace for 30. Even then, the dungeons are fewer in number than the following games and a lot more simplistic.
I also don't buy the "dice roll systems were how it was back then" excuse. I played a few older PC RPGs (including The Elder Scrolls Arena) and somehow the miss rates in those games are less abysmal.
I'm not fond of the "realism" excuse for mediocre quests either. People seem to find a way to turn any criticism for this game into a positive.

I really want to love this game (it has my favorite setting from the series) but I don't like it when I'm expected to go into a game thinking it's going to suck for 20 hours before it gets going. I can finish a game or more in that time and have fun for all 20 hours.

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2023
