There’s one word I haven’t been able to get out of my mind in the week since I finished Kitty Horrorshow’s masterpiece 'ANATOMY' - Betrayal

Think about the times in your life where you are the most vulnerable. Maybe it’s when you’re in the shower, when you’re stoned on the couch, when you’re sharing intimate moments with a partner. For some of us it’s easy to let our guard down and allow ourselves to be vulnerable, for others it can be nearly impossible. For all of us, though, there’s a pretty obvious setting in which we are at our absolute peak of vulnerability, and that is asleep in the comfort of our own homes. Anywhere else is foreign, it takes us time to learn a new space and build that key familiarity, but in our own homes we feel like we can know, without a shadow of a doubt, that we can trust the walls around us to keep us safe.

What happens when that home we leave our bodies to every night turns malicious? What happens when it betrays that trust?

Read my full review here:

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2022
