If Star Allies was a showcase of how much modern Kirby had grown since RtDL through a new take on the standard Kirby story. This game is that again but through taking that Wii game and putting as much of the style, polish and charm present in their later titles without compromising the original game’s identity

It took a game whose my last experience with it felt exhausting and turned it into a much more fulfilling romp that made me discover and appreciate the merits it has over it’s successors; how Super Abilities never overstay their welcome, how the portal segments are some of the few modern instances of Kirby stages being exclusively designed after inhaling and spitting, or how the super inhale makes regular Kirby more versatile

And then there’s Magolor Epilogue, it’s concept alone is already the coolest thing (getting to see a cool event you previously only heard described), something straight out of a fan-comic, and then the execution is a experiment with one of the biggest hack-n’-slash element the series had yet to play with; the combo system makes the combat feels so much more involved, encouraging you to beat up as many little creatures as far beyond needed as you can in succession

Reading the new pause descriptions made realize how they just hit different compared to the gachapons’ description in Forgotten Land. Really this remake had a lot stuff I missed in FL, cool remixes, lore reveals that leaves you asking more questions, callbacks to previous games, so much of what I love about Kirby

I don’t think they’ll remake the 3DS games anytime within this decade so instead; Gosh could you imagine if the modern Kirby staff tried their hand at a Super Star-type game? Just a bunch of small separate stories like Magolor Epilogue that explore different parts Kirby’s world, each treated like their own games and experimenting with some unique gameplay element, that would be so exciting to see

Reviewed on Apr 23, 2023
