Understanding this game's insane legacy on the medium and it's impact on the industry leaves a lot to live up to on a first playthrough. And while I can't say I fell in love with it like many others did, I have great respect for it and can see why it's so acclaimed.

Its narrative in today's landscape still feels fresh and innovative; I'm not a huge fan of the cast but Cloud and a few of the main dynamics were genuinely fantastic and showcased the game's true brilliance. Same could be said for the gorgeous landscapes and tracks accompanying them. It genuinely felt like a large scaled adventure playing before my eyes, but I could never get into the main materia system. The game already felt somewhat tedious and mundane to traverse, and putting in the effort to get the better materia through quests never felt worth it. Even at the times I felt like I was utilizing the system well, it never quite clicked and it's ultimately what held the game back for me from working, simply because of how that one factor impacted the rest of my journey.

Even if it didn't totally hit me the same it hit others, I completely understand the love for it and what I liked from the game was truly amazing. Even more eager to play Remake and see where it goes in terms of gameplay and story.

Reviewed on May 22, 2021
