After playing the original Skyward Sword nearly five years ago, I figured I should give the game a shot again, and this remaster was a good way to do it.

While I wish an HD remaster had more changes (such as doing more with the artstyle and cleaning up models/textures), 60 FPS is very welcome change. I also found the button-only controls to work surprisingly well and made the combat more fun in my eyes. The only controls I found to be annoying were the camera controls.

As for the game itself, I'm rather mixed. I loved the game the first time, but like many others, I found it to be less enjoyable the second time around. It has some great parts, such as some of my favorite dungeons and events in the series. The music is great too, and I love that it was orchestrated this time around. However, there is a lot of filler and annoying tasks that make some segments of the game rather tedious and lowered my overall thoughts on the game. The sky only adds to the tedium, as it is too empty. It is much less interesting to explore than Windwaker's ocean, and I dread having to go through it when I want to get somewhere. All this tedium resulted in me dropping the game multiple times for months on end, only going back to make a little progress every once in a while.

I still enjoyed my time with the game, but sadly this has become my least favorite 3D Zelda game due to the many dull and uninteresting tasks in the story.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2022
