Ok sooo, ace attorney!! been meaning to play this one for a while and finally got around to it
At first I will say that I, dare I say, liked this game quite a lot actually. But that was partly because I thought it was a different kind of game. let me explain myself.
The courtroom felt like a really novel concept. You had this series of proofs, you have to pierce the story yourself and use the right pieces of evidence to get through the case. Great! I even thought for a sec there my choices mattered!
Turns out I was just lucky enough to pick up the right evidences for my first 10 times or so
What did this meant? Well, for starters, I didn't even know I had 5 chances of failing, so it was actually really really tense, and exciting. I was EXCITED, I felt so smart and clever...!!! I was getting through it, it was difficult but with my observation skills I was winging it! It was, so fun!
And then it came. My first mistake.
"Oh, I can actually fail. 5 times, even. Wait, does that mean that this trial isn't developing itself organically based on my choices? (A silly hope to have, in retrospective)"
Turns out that was exactly it. The bs started shortly afterwards, sadly. There were lots of moments where I wanted to present something that was clearly related to the suspect, but the game just didn't let me. It was either cause I wasn't selecting the exact part of the testimony they wanted me to, or because it was too soon. Also, as stated before, you can lose the trial if you fuck up 5 times, so failing is heavily punished. Realizing key details of the case before the characters do only serves to throws you off, because proofs just won't work if not at the right place and time. If you don't save scum, you will also start from the beginning of the trial. I will now mention that I played this on an actual ds, so no fast forward for me, which sucks especially here because you cannot make text go faster if it's your first time reading it :/
I get why it's like that, but I'm a fast reader so it got a little bit cumbersome at times, especially after some unfortunate crashes by my R4

Because of all of these things, I actually took 4 months to finish the last trial. That's right. I completed the rest of the game in just two months, but that one was the one that broke me.
I also needed to use a guide at points for, again, knowing which exact phrase they wanted me to object, which made me felt miserably stupid for something that was out of my control. Hell, even without help, trying all evidences out of desperation made me feel unclever. It was mean :(
I get why people love this game. The music is very soothing, the "gotcha!" moments feel like an explosion of passion and I love more than half of the cast of characters and how well they are represented

But the gameplay makes me feel kinda sad, because I thought it was something way cooler than it actually is, and now that I know how the peak courtroom experience feels it's just kind of depressing ngl

Anyways, if someone read allat, thanks a lot! Wish ye a good one, reader :D/

Reviewed on Apr 18, 2024
