Blast of a game. Played on Xbox, currently replaying on PC. Fucking love the story modes.

A game I really need to replay one of these days, loved it back in the day. A step up from 7 in quite a few ways, though I didn't love the story modes as much.

One of my FAVORITE Dynasty Warrior's game, it was hella fun back in the day and I felt like I could just play it for hours on end. Shame the sequel was only on.. PS Vita, or some shit? And not even ported to the west either, I think.

Was it good? HEEEEELL no. But it was how I got my Minecraft fill in before the game came to Xbox.

Was it GOOD? I... don't remember, as with quite a few Xbox 360 indie games - but it was another one that made the wait for Minecraft on Xbox less painful. The wait I didn't even know I was experiencing, anyway.

Was this good? Don't remember. Did I love it either way as a kid who played some Fancy Pants flash games before this? FUCK YEAH.

This game was the shit. I can't recall if I ever actually bought the full thing or just always played the timed trial, tho.

It's a fun little game, but I wish I had friends to play it with.

This is the kinda game my friends would all bully me hard for playing. Anyway, it's uh.. its something. Have a lot of thoughts but I'm lazy so I'll do another log sometime.