I played the demo for this game when I was a kid. As an adult I couldn't remember the name of it and thus 15 years of internet searching always resulted with disappointment. But I have found it now!

Bug broke game. Refused to restart from beginning.

A fun little entry into the Super Mario Bros. saga. Bowser looks so cool! I wish they made a Fury Bowser amiibo. Mastered

I played to get the Normandy from Mass Effect while it was available for free when the Legendary edition launched. But after playing for like 2 hours I just really couldn't care.

Never went out enough to meet enough people.

Played as Hufflepuff. This game is everything the completionist in me wants. A good reward for exploring far and wide as well as searching ever nook and cranny in every room. There are no rewards for playing the game on a harder difficulty. My only disappointment is that my story decisions don't matter. No reason to replay to see alternative storylines. Also: EFF PlayStation exclusives! Mastered

This is the kind of game that I really enjoy. I've seen Zero Punctuation's review and complete understand his criticism, but I want more of this. After completing the story my first time I immediately started another playthrough just to see what all the other choices lead to.

I miss when Xbox used to do things like this. Mastered