Bug broke game. Refused to restart from beginning.

I only want to play the birdman levels.

The main character is named Brian!

I played to get the Normandy from Mass Effect while it was available for free when the Legendary edition launched. But after playing for like 2 hours I just really couldn't care.

Never went out enough to meet enough people.

Played as Hufflepuff. This game is everything the completionist in me wants. A good reward for exploring far and wide as well as searching ever nook and cranny in every room. There are no rewards for playing the game on a harder difficulty. My only disappointment is that my story decisions don't matter. No reason to replay to see alternative storylines. Also: EFF PlayStation exclusives! Mastered

This is the kind of game that I really enjoy. I've seen Zero Punctuation's review and complete understand his criticism, but I want more of this. After completing the story my first time I immediately started another playthrough just to see what all the other choices lead to.

The music was soo good. Can still be purchased (and played) through GOG and it includes the soundtrack!

I was addicted to getting badges from this game. Because I'm a sucker for collecting things based on my interests, I always got a huge blast of serotonin every time I got the badge I wanted.

I miss when Xbox used to do things like this. Mastered

I loved the show. I wish there was a game that did it justice and wasn't just a cash grab. Mastered

My kids enjoyed this show when they were little so it holds some good memories. Mastered

I really enjoyed getting all the achievements for this game. Mastered

I could not get enough of this game. I still play through it regularly. Mastered