I tried Stardew Valley back in 2017, did not get through spring. Decided it was not for me. My wife got really into it shortly after that and put about 80 hours into it. So I found out there's split screen co-op and years later we decided to give it a try together. I don't see an end in sight now.

Now I've played through my first year, and while I see many more in game years and hours to come, I can say after around 35 hours that this is an incredible game and sits comfortably in the top 25 of all time.

I think it was the co-op aspect that made me love the game. You can break up daily tasks and switch between "chores" to keep things fresh and money rolling in. While the mining is simple, I got really into it. I love that you create your own goals and how layered all the systems are. Not to mention I've listened to this mesmerizing OST countless times since picking it back up.

The only unfortunate part is now actually anticipating Haunted Chocolatier. Godspeed ConcernedApe, a true legend.

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2024
