14 reviews liked by Brotagon1st

Me when star wars starts jedi mathing

I loved that part where the Bouncer said "I'm a bouncer" and bounced all over the place

Nothing a youtube video couldn't summarise

The most indescribable two days of my life.

What I wanted Xenoblade 3 to be
P.S: Double Spinning Edge



Jet Set Radio fans rejoice, for there's a new king on the throne.

This game is AMAZING! It is truly a love letter to JSR, while adding new and interesting ideas to make the game it's own thing. The movement is fluid and fun, and it's easy to feel cool. New Amsterdam is a funky city, with all sorts of crazy designs for you to skate, roller blade, or BMX on.

The character design is immaculate, each character brings their own look and personality into it, and you'll quickly attach yourself to at least one.

The storytelling actually caught me by surprise! It has a very interesting story with twists that keep you wondering what will happen next. The dialogue is pretty funny as well.

I do however have some issues with the game which is why my review isn't 5/5. The police are very frustrating, it's very easy to attract heat and when they're chasing you it's like they're up your ass until you find a bathroom to change clothes. Which brings me to my other gripe, changing characters and clothes while cool in concept, is annoying. The version of the game I played on did not have markers showing bathrooms, which I feel like would make the system a lot better. I don't know if they changed this in a recent update but, playing it day one this was how it was.

And that's it, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is one of the best indie games I've played since Neon White, and I will be 100%ing this. I strongly recommend picking this game up.


3 lists liked by Brotagon1st