Elden Ring 2022

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 7, 2022

Platforms Played


A generally very good game, the world is beautiful and filled with incredible enemies both big and small and the amount of weapons and armour in the game is to be admired, however, there are a few things that knock this game down for me.

Predominantly, the camera is terrible - I don't know if this was only true because I was playing on PS4 (other people I spoke to didn't have the same problem) but when I was moving and turning the camera at the same time it was very jittery, making it impossible to tell what I was even looking at. On top of that, locking-on was a nightmare, the game was constantly snapping to enemies I didn't want to be looking at, leaving me vulnerable and often leading to my demise. When it came to fighting the bigger enemies, their lock-on points were often then middle of their bodies which made it very difficult to see what was happening when I was close to them (which you need to be to deal any kind of damage with a sword), I just wish they had made the feet a lock-on point for ALL of the bigger enemies.

For the vast majority of the game I was having a great time, usually when I play a game for a long time I get burned out and want to move on as quickly as possible, often skipping any side quests or optional bosses, however, 90+ hours into this game I just wanted to keep going - that was until the final few bosses I faced! The last couple of bosses I went up against had some absolutely bulls#&t moves and after many MANY hours of trying to kill them, I was begging the game to end. How many controller still works after all that is honestly a miracle.

My advice to anyone just starting out Elden Ring would be to explore as much of the world as possible, fight as much as you can, if you're struggling with a boss come back later! And most importantly, make sure you get the Mimic Tear summon for the end game, that motherf#&ker will save your God damned life!