After playing and loving the first Ori, I was excited to get stuck into the Will of the Wisps and I have to say that it improves on its predecessor in every way. I enjoyed being able to equip different abilities and the skills you learn as you progress felt great, leading to more interesting puzzles and fun mobility.

When I finished the first game, I was unsure how I felt about the story, the ending left me with questions and felt unnecessary in parts, however, the ending to WotW felt right and left me satisfied and a little bit emotional.

Ori and the Will of the Wisps looked great on the Switch (even if I did feel a bit of stutter once or twice), the game is beautiful and the characters are well designed and engaging.

I had a great time playing through this challenging but engrossing experience and look forward to seeing what Moon Studios produces in the future.

Reviewed on May 22, 2022
