I'm a massive coward when it comes to horror so I didn't think I'd be able to finish this game but I did after a few weeks and it was a great time, the way to get the best ending is a little obtuse for my liking but the gameplay is very satisfying, the sounds of weapons hitting monsters and the slight stunning of the monsters is very fun. The sound design in general is great, certain rooms play chase music to put you on end and have nothing there at all purely to fuck with you. The radio static that plays near monsters is very good at building tension aswell. The bosses are pretty boring, especially the final one, but they're over quickly enough to not be a problem. The game itself is extremely scary for me, with the dead silence for most of the game allowing the player time to think about what could be around the corner, I found the ps1 visuals to be very effective in spite of their limited detail, although the music certainly helped. The music in general is fantastic with "Not Tomorrow" which plays over the best scene in the game, being a particular highlight. The Puzzles were pretty difficult but not too hard to require a guide. Overall I'd say the game is definetely worth playing if you're able to.

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2022

1 Comment

okay now play silent hill 2