A lovely little game where you traverse Little Pond as an introverted frog named Teacup. Shes planning a tea party for her friends but alas she's run out of herbs so has to go on an adventure, helping out residents along the way to make sure she's ready for her party. Short and sweet, the mini games are easy but fun and the almost colouring book art style is really cute too.

A short but interesting puzzle game where you manipulate both time and the environment to overcome obstacles. Short but sweet.

A super cozy game of identifying plants and helping customers. There are daily puzzles to help you locate new plants and 8 different endings depending on who you help and how.

This is a deceptively hard game despite it's simple premise.
There are 100 levels which breaks down as 10 worlds each with it's own theme with 5 differences per level. Whether it's a size, colour, placement or other difference nothing feels overused or too obvious and just enough challenge to keep it engaging for days not hours.
The only slight gripe is that there is no kind of hint button and for maybe 3 levels I just randomly clicked madly until it finally found the last difference, but 3 out of 100 levels isn't bad and I could have googled it, but a hint button would have been nice just for a nudge in the right direction.

A very short game but that doesn't detract from its enjoyment. A hidden objects game where all the objects are cats to pet. I would suggest getting it on sale given theres only really an hours worth of game play at most but it's a lovely little time waster with lovely aesthetics, each level has it's own character and can easily be replayed (once you forget where the kitties were).