Franz 2023

Log Status






Time Played

4h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 30, 2023

First played

November 29, 2023

Platforms Played



Speaking on thematics, this game is pretty deplorable. Its implementation of ARG elements, taking advantage of the haptic features on your smart phone, using text scrawls and push notifications to cox you into getting back in, is admirable. Everything to do with the UI/UX design is good as far as I’m concerned, even great, and the sound design and music are pretty top notch too.

However, for as novel as the game is, none of that matters if the point of the game contradicts the actual game. The themes it attempts to convey are diametrically opposed by the way they’re delivered. Not to mention how tone deaf it feels for Ice-Pick Lodge to put this out, no matter how well-intentioned, after the outing of the company lead’s unsolicited behavior towards minors. Fucked up, and quite frankly disappointing for a studio I otherwise respect.

Context matters and while I wholeheartedly believe that art doesn’t have to reflect the actions or worldviews of the artist behind it, sometimes they can overlap, and this is one such case where it does. Also AI art? Really? C’mon man… Resources pertaining to the subject at hand, if anyone reading wants to know more: