A great premise, that sadly falls a bit short of its potential. I liked the recursive environment and the way it tied back to the game's themes, but I wish some elements were used more. There's hardly ever a reason to venture out into the large world, for example. Multiple times I was disappointed to find that a puzzle's solution was a lot less creative than what I was expecting it to be. Surprisingly glitchy as well, there were a couple of instances where I couldn't get what I needed to progress and had to reload a save that I had thankfully made only a few steps earlier.

I liked the story of Kenzie and Michael, and their performances are excellent. There are a few moments where this game really sings, and those moments are strong enough to mostly carry the not so great moments. Still though, I can't help but feel a little remorse at what could have been.

Reviewed on Mar 04, 2021
