1 review liked by COwOkie

This game succeeds at looking pretty and the general atmosphere of the game is fun. The environments are somewhat fun to traverse and the costumes are also good looking. That's all the game does good. From here on out I will be taking a big stinky on the game.

The platforming feels floaty and it doesn't feel precise at all. The game also isn't nice to control and makes the platforming feel sluggish.

For some reason the game also dabbles in 'combat', sometimes it makes you do these tedious battles and you need to kill the same 3 enemy types over and over until it let's you continue to the next part. It's really repetitive and it controls like shit. You wouldn't have guessed it, but the bossbattles are also really boring and dull.

To break from the 'intense' gameplay, they make you do these insanely boring minigames. They honestly feel like flash games you wouldn't even have bothered playing when you were 8.

Not going to complain about the story, because it's a platformer and honestly I don't even remember the setup. But I am going to complain about the dialogue. There's too much of it and it's just poorly written filler that tries to mask itself as funny.

I payed for the game and I already sunk some time into it, so I just wanted to finish it and get it over with. I didn't succeed and the game broke me when they forced me to play this tedious awful no good Christmas present minigame for a third time. I gave up on the game and I will never beat it. If they removed most of the minigames, I would have atleast finished it.

The game isn't awful or something, but it's really mediocre and hinges on being kinda bad. The reason I'm rating it this low is because the game does have potention and it got bogged down because they were trying to do it all. The consequence of this is that not even one mechanic is polished or really that fun. And if you are going to try to do different things at the same times, do it confidently and make sure it's fun to play.