So, I have a massive habit of dropping Metroidvanias. I don't hate the genre or anything, and I 100% respect the impact it has had on gaming as a whole but I just lose interest very quick.

For me, the exploration value of Metroidvanias is lost because I just don't like the feeling of being aimless. It's a very personal issue, stems from chronic depression and a lifetime of existential dread that makes me question my purpose, not the game's fault. So usually when I pick up a Metroidvania and I get lost, I usually wind up finding another game that catches my interest and move to that.

Super Metroid winds up being one of those situations, a game I played about half of in March earlier this year only to drop it to play Competitive Pokémon with my friends. From that initial experience I used a guide, something I find would be frowned upon by most enthusiasts of the Metroidvania genre, but something I had to do to stay fully invested. I wound up pretty happy though with that experience, found a lot of useful things, fought badass battles with space monsters, it was a good time.

Fast forward to today and I have now destroyed Mother Brain and the Planet Zebes all with an 85% collection rate thanks to the StrategyWiki. I may not be the prime audience for Metroidvanias, but the feeling of adrenaline when you're facing a boss like Ridley, or the intrigue of defeating an enemy in an unorthodox way like electrocuting it, unlocking abilities like Screw Attack that make you completely invulnerable, there's a lot of things that give me the player great satisfaction. When the Baby Metroid saved me and gave me Hyper Beam, I was hype as fuck.

Super Metroid is a great video game, but I'm giving it a 4 star rating mostly because the genre doesn't grip me like others do. It's a very personal thing, but I ultimately respect this game and fully plan to replay it someday.

Reviewed on Jul 10, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

You'll soon see this as a 4.5/5 now that you are a Metroid fan trust me lol