Maquette is a puzzle game in which you find yourself in an area within a similar, larger version of said area and also overlooking a similar, smaller version of said area in the middle of the area you start in as if the areas were matryoshka dolls. You solve puzzle by, for example, dropping items into the smaller area after which they appear in your current area as larger versions of themselves. It's fun to goof around with the mechanics and enlarge and shrink various items, which sometimes even get you to places where you're not supposed to go to.

The game also tells a story of a relationship. Sometimes the story and the gameplay form parallels with each other, which is satisfying. The ending is left open to interpretation, and certain things in the game allow the player to draw their own conclusions as to what it all means. Personally, I like to think that a happy ending is implied even if the game throws some gut-punches your way.

Reviewed on May 11, 2021
