This review contains spoilers

The Good:
-Amazing presentation
-Some actual improvements over 4’s gameplay
-Great voice-acting and characters
-A good way to find Treasures, finally

The Ok:
-Mediocre villain
-Nadine is not near as interesting as Chloe

The Bad:
-Not much honestly

The Lost Legacy is honestly really great. It was built on the engine of Uncharted 4, and acts as an expansion to that world; a side experience that’s similar to Marvel’s Spiderman: Miles Morales. Unsurprisingly, nearly everything that made Uncharted 4 amazing is present here. The graphics are jaw dropping, and the voice-acting and facial animations continue to wildly impress. The witty banter between the characters also follows, which is always appreciated. The gameplay is where things get interesting. Almost everything is the same from 4, except for lock-boxes. These boxes introduce a nice risk-reward system, and in the middle of gunfights, you sometimes have to choose whether it’s worth it to see what’s inside. Honestly, I wish they were in 4. Plus, Chapter 4 is basically a pseudo open-world (likely a prototype for Last of Us 2). Scattered around the giant area are 11 Hoysala Tokens, which are extremely fun to hunt down. In fact, they each feel like finding Korok Seeds in Breath of the Wild, and I wish there were more. Plus, the reward for getting them all is actually useful, and finally gives incentive to find Treasures without using a guide. Now, the story itself is only fine. The basic structure is interesting enough, but there are a few problems. For one, the villain just isn’t interesting. Asav comes off as just your stereotypical psychopath, which is a bit of a disappointment, coming off of 4’s great villains. Then there’s the fact that Nadine just isn’t as interesting as Chloe. In the other Uncharteds, Drake is great, yes, but he’s balanced by characters who are equally as cool, namely Sully and Elena. Here, Chloe has to do all the heavy lifting in the character department, and it makes me wish that Nadine was developed more. Don’t get me wrong, she’s still more developed here than in 4, but it’s still not great. In summary, The Lost Legacy is honestly really great, if not quite as good as Uncharted 2-4.

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2021
