It's so good I don't even care that they copied a bit of Capcom's homework

I like the goofy voices of the taken

This was free. Play it. Worth every penny.

I certainly hope this isn't canon in the Winnie the Pooh lore

Best depiction of Venom in this game tbh

This game needs more love. An absolute diamond in the rough.

Well I suppose I got what I expected in a Deadpool game. The game plays fine and Deadpool does the kills and the swears and the funny ha ha.

I really quite like this game. A fun idea but I feel like it trips itself up halfway through. Still fun to play.

I didnt't dislike this game. Even though it's a jank-fest. Best Futurama game ever!

Worst game. Couldn't even get it to start. Thanks Capcom.

Near perfection packed into a purple little package. Not much else to say honestly.

Just when you think Shadow was the edgiest boy. Along comes Infinite to be the edgiest of boys! Also not a very good game sorry.

A Shadow the Hedgehog game? Good idea! A game where you have to play through the campaign 10 times to get the true ending? Not so much.

This game is jank central but ffs I can't bring myself to not like it