Fan of the Persona/Shin Megami Tensei series of games and for a 3ds game this does not disappoint. The grid based strategy element combined with different demon racial powers/abilities is a lot of fun and there are plenty of combinations and demons to mix things up. There is an element of replayability as there are 4 endings as well.

-Extensive cast of interesting characters
-Skill crack feature and selection of your own abilities gives you lots of options and strategies to use
-Multiple endings and huge compendium of demons makes the game easily replayable, as well as being able to fully customise the stars your main character gets on level up
-harder difficulty presents a decent challenge without becoming a marathon of restarting battles

-Paying for demons is a little bit lame, the auction can be unpredictable at times and stupid Carol J bids way more than her expected amount and then you don't get that 5 star demon boi you really wanted. I ended up using the Moneybags perk on every team during Day 2 so I didn't have to grind free battles
-Carol J
-All of Carol J's family

Big explosion itch me simple brain.

Will upgrade to a 5 star once the bugs (literal and code-wise) have been fixed.

This game is a simple sports RPG, and knows that's what it is. It doesn't try to do anything fancy or over the top. I got all the achievements for this game a couple years ago and it took like 10-12 hours, there really isn't a lot to it. I do wish the story was a bit longer and multiplayer sounded like it would be fun but there wasn't a big enough following for this game to make it worthwhile. A good 'switch-off' game to just have a chilled night of gaming.

Ironically getting all of this game's achievements brought me true despair, I recommend just playing this game for the story do not 100% this game for your mental health. I am a firm believer that Spike Chunsoft did not want you to get all the achievement and thus made it their life goal to make it the worst experience possible. But I do love the series to bits.

-Well written story with plenty of mystery, I had an epiphany on who the mastermind of this game was during chapter 4 and was so pleased with myself but the mystery element to this game is top tier
-Most of the characters in this game are very likable, and some make you wish you were one of the killers in the death game (but honestly I think they were written that way for a reason, so good job)
-Trials as always have plenty of fun minigames so it's not completely a visual novel
-Aside from side game modes and one very specific minigame the soundtrack for this game is great, sets the mood well

-Why are there so many awful achievements? Mental truly gone. I had to set up an auto clicker on my PC to farm coins at the slot machine so I could buy every item in the gallery, buy every gift (which at the end requires even more coins or you have a 0.4% chance of getting the last one you need). The monolith game in the casino is unnecessarily difficult to get an S on. You have to play the boardgame at least 50 times to get each character at S and the enjoyment does not last past the 4th or 5th try. You also have to get characters to S rank if you want to do the dungeon crawling side game which is an endeavour to beat all on its own.
-speaking of the dungeon crawler, it's music is AWFUL, it's like 8 bit versions of the main soundtrack until you get to the final boss (whose theme is actually not as bad). And because I spent about 10 hours playing the monolith game mode to get S rank, I had to listen to that same song on loop and I genuinely think I was losing my marbles
-Every installment has that one character you can't stand, and this time it was Tenko

I realise my cons make it sound like I don't love this game but I really do, the fact I was willing to go through all of the side games for the achievements shows how much I like it. I recommend the entire series but like I said stick to the main story, there are lots of fun twists and the murder mystery element of the game is fantastic.

Welcome to the original Spike Chunsoft game where you play as a wet blanket of a main character trying to figure out whodunnit. The story of this game is very interesting but the thing that pulls it back is some of the game play mechanics being a bit clunky. Class trials are fun though can be frustrating because you know the answer but you have to give the answer the way the game wants you to. The characters (not Hifumi) are all interesting and most of them (not Hifumi) are likeable.