Epistory is a beautiful game that mixes artistic visuals with text-based combat and does so extremely well. It is without a doubt one of the best-looking games I have played, and the unfolding nature of the world's map continuously offers a new experience worth looking at.

The gameplay is pretty simple, enemies walk towards you with words above their heads, type those words and they shall be defeated. This gets intermingled with a gimmick of having different magic you can use that applies different effects, such as temporarily freezing enemies or burning their next word automatically. The game's difficulty is really determined by your typing capabilities, it can be rather hard in the endgame if you aren't proficient at your keyboard but a relaxing experience if you are. The words you have to type vary in length depending on the enemy, with some of them being short while others incredibly long. This in turn makes the game pretty good for expanding your word knowledge.

Overall, Epistory is definitely a game worth playing if you enjoy typing and wonderful aesthetics. It was a real treat to play and highly enjoyable.

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2023
