Log Status






Time Played

20h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 7, 2023

Platforms Played


Google tells me I'm past halfway through Final Fantasy XVI and I keep finding weak excuses to not finish it. I just don't find this game fun.

Frustrating combat, weak story and lifeless semi-open worlds... all working against the beautiful score, truly next gen presentation, and the epic but infrequent Eikon battles.

I could probably push my way through if the combat was fun, however it is so dull to smash through. There is no challenge to it, just spongey enemies and repetition. The game often throws waves of enemies at you, yet rarely offers anything new. There is a mission about 10 hours in where you are working your way to a boss through these puzzle rooms, and you fight the same enemy dozens of times for about an hour. I was bored out of my mind.

I consider myself a mediocre gamer (Souls-likes terrify me) and haven't died once, not even in the optional side boss battles. That isn't what you want from a game like this.

Sounds like I hate it, so why the rating? The Eikon battles are incredible. The spectacle of them is unparalleled. Trim the game down by 10 hours so these battles become more frequent, and you've got a game I'd finish.

I also loved the performances, even if I didn't care for a lot of the characters or what was happening. There was a lot of heavy lifting done by the talented cast, and they deserve all the praise I think they'll receive this awards season.