The minigames are excellent, and I actually really like the way this game looks. It's oddly the best-looking Mario Party game on GameCube.

I'm a bigger fan of the boards than most people—I don't mind the metal walkways, and otherwise they're still full of character! Shy Guy's Jungle Jam is my favorite. There's no denying that some of them are a little too luck-based, though. Koopa's Seaside Soiree in particular has no excuse for being designed the way it is.

I think this game's biggest sin is the item system. The items suuuuck, and your inventory gets filled with Mini or Mega Mushrooms before too long. They're super boring as power-ups and they don't stop loading you with them. Coming in between the stellar item systems of Mario Party 3 and the later GameCube games, the lackluster items in this one really stand out.

Overall, a good experience that could be so much better. I would be down to see some of these boards remixed in future Superstars-style games. (Please don't overload the series with remakes, though. Far too many series become choked out by feeling obligated to have a remake sub-series the moment they make a single remake.)

Reviewed on Feb 08, 2022
